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My friend,

Wish you a blessed and joyous New Year 2025.

I am so excited to share with you the promise for this new month from Haggai 2:9 the Lord says, “The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,''. Your life will become much more glorious because you have clung onto the Lord. The Lord loves it and wants to honor you.

What is this glory? Hebrews 1:3 says, Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature and He upholds the universe by the word of His power. What a glory that Jesus is! He is the glory of God and He is the radiance of God’s glory. He is the exact imprint of God’s nature. Jesus is the nature of God. The whole universe is upheld by the Word of Jesus.

When the great radiance of the glory of God, His nature and the Word of power comes within us, our life also becomes filled with the glory of God. Our life will start to become glorious. When Jesus starts to work in our life, our life will exhibit the glory of the Lord also. We will have the nature of God, start becoming radiant, and we will be powerful in our words and in our deeds. Because it will not be us operating, it will be Jesus. That is how our life will become.

I want to share with you about a person called Abinav Lal from Bilaspur, “In his 10th Std he was always fighting with his friends and he felt to be such a lonely person and he thought what future is there for me? I don’t see anything great for me!. He was feeling so alone and this is when he got to know about Jesus. And he attended a prayer festival where my father was speaking and when he came there during the prayer time he heard him calling the names of people and he also said, Jesus call my name Lal, that was the nickname given by his friends. So as he was praying, suddenly my father called his name out ‘Lal’, he said ‘there is a little boy called Lal whose prayers God answered right now. Lal you are special to God, you yourself have chosen to follow God nobody led you, don’t be afraid. You shall never be alone.’ He expressed his exact situation. The Lord told him his heart and as he heard his name a tremendous joy and strength came into him, he went running to the stage to testify and my father received with great joy and prayed over him. And he said give him a golden future from this moment and felt mighty blessings coming upon him.

He studied so well and he rose up in his 12th exam and cracked his competitive exam in a tremendous way, full of confidence and he entered into B.E Mechanical Engineering in a reputed engineering college. He completed the degree with honor and then he rose up to complete M.Tech and he said God mysteriously added wonderful mentors to help him in his education and he was able to conquer all these degrees. And then filled him with the mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit, he felt such a great power coming into him and then God blessed him and made him join a private school with a wonderful job. Again God blessed him with a life partner, who was also a young partner, God blessed her with a government job after that and gave them a beautiful son and completed his family and then asked him to build a church and as they were pasturing the church together God did mighty works through them. Supernatural deliverances and used them in a powerful way. They had also made their son as a young partner where they had received complete blessing and his life had become glorious. No longer alone but with a great future.”

God will transform your life too. Are you feeling alone today and helpless today?With great financial debts, with great spiritual debts, with great sickness in your body keeping you down, no confidence for great life, remember this promise and just come to Jesus and let Him be your glory. God will give you the fullness of His glory, the fullness of who He is.

May you see this greater glory operating in your life, in your studies and in your spiritual life. Enjoy this year with Jesus. ‘Christ in you, the hope of glory’ (Colossians 1:27). 

Have a blessed year 2025! 

With much prayers,

Samuel Dhinakaran


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